Burberry Embraces Its Brand Roots
Today Burberry launched its latest chapter of the legacy brand under the leadership of creative director Daniel Lee. The shift reconnects the iconic fashion house with its traditional roots with a fresh wordmark and a look that’s moody in a modern, Londony way.
Marketing To The High-End Consumer
The first step is to understand that in the so-called luxury market, there are three possible strategies, which we categorize as luxury, fashion and premium. The difference between these three strategies is big. It does not change much in the eyes of most basic consumers, at least in the short-term. But when one has to manage […]
Luxury Tourism Marketing 2022: 5 Keys to Sustained Growth
Without question, global travel has changed, from international travel destinations to Convention and Visitor Bureaus pivoting to address the pandemic. Yet as vaccines become increasingly available, many tourism leaders have been able to return to 2019 numbers and to even exceed them. The path to doing so requires renewing consumer interest and instilling trust in […]
How Global Beauty Brands Can Stay Ahead of Startups
Never before have the leading houses of the beauty industry faced so much competition from so many independent newcomers. The incumbents have the natural advantage of global reach, name recognition, and financial war chests. They’re therefore better able to purchase valuable media, develop technology, and place products in key locations in leading stores. Yet the […]
The Resurgence of Jordache Goes Beyond Nostalgia You have surely noticed the resurgence of attention to brands whose peak most people thought was decades past. Everything from old-school Nintendo games to Kodak cameras is gaining interest as the best of the 80s and 90s becomes new again. One may easily write this off as nostalgia, […]
Rebranding Luxury Fashion Typeface
Millennials and Generation Z are widely projected to account for more than 40% of all luxury good sales by 2025. Yet that sizeable piece of the pie may be largely subject to shifts in the economy. Whereas the ultra-high-net-worth individual (UHNWI) has the means to spend at will on luxury even in a down market—making them coveted above all other demographics